
FIRE- Find Inform Restrict Extinguish

HSE- Health, Safety & Environment

EIP- Environment Policy

PPE – Personal Protective Equipment

BBS – Behavior-based safety

COG – Center of gravity

NEC – National Electrical code

HBRI – Housing and Building Research Institute

ILO – International Labor Organization

CAP – Corrective Action Plan

TOT – Training of Trainers

SDS – Safety Data Sheet

MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet

WSH – Workplace Safety & Health

SME – Subject Matter Expert

MOC – Management of Chain

DAFW – Day away from work

SWL – Safe working load

GFCI – Ground fault current Interrupter

OHSEMS – Occupational health safety and environment management system

OSHA – Occupational safety and health administration (Act of 1970)

NEBOSH – National examination board in occupational safety and health

BNBC – Bangladesh National Building Code (1993- 2006- 2014)

NFPA – National Fire Protection Association’s

SMART – Specific, Measurable, Accountable, Reliable, Time Limit

LFMEAB – Leathergoods And Footwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association of Bangladesh

BGMEA –  Bangladesh Garment Manufacturing and Exporting Association

BKMEA –  Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturing and Exporting Association

CSR –  Corporate Social Responsibility

DEA –  Detailed Engineering Assessment

DIFE – Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments

EPZ –  Export Processing Zone

FOB –  Free on Board

GATT – General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

GDP –  Gross Domestic Product

GoB –  Government of Bangladesh

GUF –  Global Union Federation

HSC –  Health and Safety Committee

ILO –  International Labour Organization

MFA –  Multi Fibre Arrangement

MOC –  Ministry of Commerce

MoLE – Ministry of Labour and Employment

NGO – Non-Government Organization

NTC – National Tripartite Committee

NTPA – National Tripartite Plan of Action

OSH – Occupational Safety and Health

RMG –  Readymade Garment Industry

SC –  Steering Committee

TNC –  Transnational Corporation

US-GSP –  United States Generalized System of Preference

WPC –  Worker Participation Committee


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